Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome To The Land Of Long, Explanitory Text Walls :D

(There will be no humour, only explanations. |<)
As I don't know where the rest of the team are (well, actually Narita is loving life without the computer and seems to be doing awesome, according to her Plurk, yay (: ), I'm going to start dual posting with my personal (and not actually used) blog Trickett Blogs Stuff. I intend to have free posts, regular fashion posts and more social and personal based posts on it but we'll see how it goes, it may just be dual posts at this rate. x:
On to actual post... I thought this would only take me an hour or two, turns out it took me all day. I don't know, something about finding the correct poses, the right hair and falling asleep twice in the process. x: Actual post is incredibly long because I'm walking you through everything and giving you useful info. |:

I also had to redo this picture because I left Bubble out of the box. x: I made a switch from my regular Illusions ears to a free pair of guaged and pierced ones from Bubble available on the Fallen and Depraved hunt. I guess that's why you don't try and list all the stores on the picture. x:
The nails shift through a rainbow of neon colours and are an anniversary gift from Ni.Ju, available at the store for a couple of weeks. Congrats on one year to them and I'm pleased she stuck through it because she's coming out with some really nice stuff. :3
The outfit is from Roawenwood and is part of a mini-hunt Roawenwood is holding in addition to the Twisted hunt. The Twisted hunt finishes on the 30th, I'm unlikely to be blogging much else from it because I'm spending a rediculous amount of time sleeping and scrounging money to buy as much as I can from Collabor88. Yay Bletaverse. x: I also think SL Freebie Hunters already did a great job. I love this blog, it's a defintie time saver. x: And remember, all boxes ar within 30m of the landing point.

I wanted to base this post around a couple of stores I've seen in hunts this year. Namely Petrichor and Repulse. If you're regularly doing hunts you're probably already familar with them. x:
Petrichor is a skin and shape store. It doesn't have a large selection but they have been very generous with their hunts offering up whole avatars in some cases, which they later set up for sale. They have a small range of colourful and animal-based skins currently available. This skin is also from the Twisted Hunt and also comes with the purple mask on a tattoo layer. :3
Repulse is anotehr incredibly generous store specialising in really unique, alternate and gorey eyes. It also has a large selection of wounds and scars and things that just generally ooze and bleed. x: The eyes in this picture are from the Fallen and Depraved Hunt too. This is a hunt I defintiely intend to do next month, I think.

You can slightly see the guages on the ears here. x: My original Illusions ears are purely texture change where these ears are purely tinted. They work with a very useful HUD. I think managed to match them up a lot better than some of my previous posts but I also like the ability to add a base texture so the ears don't get washed out.
The skins are from the Stalker Trailer Trash and The Macabre Hunt (TMH). I especially love the clown one. x: The eyes are from the Twisted Hunt and again, The Macabre Hunt. I'm going to watch out for this hunt, too, I think. I haven't really been itnerested in doing it the past couple of hunts but these prizes make me think I might this time.

These skins are a lot more universal. The green make-up skin is from The Unknown Hunt (TUH) and therefore costs 1L. It comes in all tones though. :3 The confetti make-up is from the American Bazaar Birthday Hunt. I'm pretty determined to do this hunt but it does end on the 30th. x:
The eyes in these pictures are instead from XYR. They have several freebies on the marketplace. I managed to find their in world store, they sell low price skins and eyes at 5L although I think some of them might be included in the packs.
Also, blonde Trickett. o: I bought this hair, I shall use this hair. |: It doesn't get used for everyday wear because I don't have blonde hooves yet. I find mismatching hair/outfit/fur colours odd. <.<


First + Second Pictures
Skin // Petrichor // Twisted Hunt
Eyes // Repulse // Fallen and Depraved Hunt
Ears // Bubble // Fallen and Depraved Hunt
Nails // Ni.Ju // Freebie
Outfit // Roawenwood // Twisted Additional Hunt (Click the Easel for direct TP x: )

Third Down
Skin 1 // Petrichor // Stalker Trailer Trash Hunt
Eyes 1 // Repulse // The Macabre Hunt
Skin 2 // Petrichor // The Macabre Hunt
Eyes 2 // Repulse // Twisted Hunt

Last Pictures
Skins 1 // Petrichor // The Unknown Hunt // 1L
Eyes 1 // XYR // Freebie
Skin 2 // Petrichor // American Bazaar Birthday Hunt
Eyes 2 // XYR // Freebie

Related Links You May Find Useful
SL Freebie Hunters for hunt prizes
The Twisted Hunt - the official merchants list page - finishes September 30th
The American Bazaar Birthday Hunt - official merchants list and hints page - finishes September 30th
The Unknown Hunt - blog with merchants list and hint - finishes September 30th
Fallen and Depraved Hunt - official merchants list and hints page - finishes October 15th
The Macabre Hunt - official hints blog - finishes around October 15th
Stalker Trailer Trash Hunt - official hitns list - I don't know when it finishes but I assume October 15th x:


Also, I totally forgot to mention Creator Stamp Rally is back. :D I'm going to try and write up a post documenting the cheap things you can buy to get the cards but we'll see if that happens. x:
P.S.: If I managed to mess up, leave a comment and use search/Google. x: Blogs, they're a lot of work. x: