Thursday, August 27, 2009

Twisted Hunt Preview: The Second

I had a spur of the moment trip yesterday up to the summer house \o/ so this will be quick and dirty, but amazing at the same time, cause there are a lot of awesome goodies dropping in my inventory from Twisted Hunt participants. Make sure to get out and enjoy these last few weeks of summer kids!

Adoration Home's 'Twisted' bed
Chicaholic 'Graffiti outfit (women's)
Trixxy's 'Emo Skully Chuckers'

Adoration Homes 'Twisted' bed
Nightshade Charmant (blue) dress set

FallnAngel Creations 'Julia' Gown
Trixxy's 'Emo Skully Chuckers'

1 comment:


Thanks for post. It’s really imformative stuff.
I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!