Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Space in Between

Monday marked the opening of the new Sn@tch event DIVE. This time around you find yourself in a surreal hotel discovering the wicked past and horrible deeds of those who stayed in this place. All with a ridiculous amount of goodies to be found while you uncover the secrets of the Hyperion Hotel. Be ready to be thrust into a strange and Topsy Turvy world, where things aren't quite what they seem, but the gifts sure are.

There are a pile of prizes donated from fabulous stores, including Sn@tch, !ReTox!, Nomine, Gauze, and a whole host more to make it worth your while. Gather up your friends, it's not laggy yet! When my friends and I piled in last night we expected there to be more lag than could be dealt with, but start now before the hoards amass, it's completely worth your time and a fun way to spend an hour with your friends. DIVE will be open until November 14th, so there is plenty of time, but the longer you wait the more laggy it is likely to be.

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