I really dunno, I don't. Crystal Queendom is SO out of left field, its impossible to dislike them. Their textures are lush and gorgeous, but their dresses are ridiculous! So of course I love them, in the worst way possible. NO ONE makes dresses as floofy and out of line as Crystal Queendom.
Check this out -
I AM A JELLYFISH OF FABRIC AND IT'S FANTASTIC. Also, I might mention that the dress is 1L for a very limited time (Til Friday, and remember, that's on Japanese time). So get over to the CQ and pick it up, also take as many ridiculous pictures as possible in it, I want to see them!
That's right, I didn't come at this like QC dresses are just gorgeous works of art. They are, but these dresses are goofy, and someone had to say it. Its why we love them!
1 week ago
hello, seasons greetings. i am really very glad that my sister does not read blogs. i read what you said and i have to tell you that that really hurt, and i'm just her sister. i have never taken my time to put down others and insult them in the way you just did. i am truly disapointed in the fact that she could be treated as such, so much so i dont think i'll be able to return to secondlife until a few weeks have passed and i have had a good cry over this. i have seen her work so hard on her beautiful dramworks, her artistic creation and the beauty that she brings forth when it's all done. how she doesnt mind being different, and loves that there are different types of styles out there, and just truly care. i hope she doesnt read this, because if it brakes her heart as much as it has broken mine, i would be even sadder. i mean you no harm or disrespect, she would never ban you or mistreat you for saying what you have, and i dont mind how many hate me for saying something, but if i didnt i would feel it all the more. seasons greetings and i do wish you the best, and everyone.
i ment dreamworks. she really puts her soul into it. anyway, all i wanted to say.
You don't understand Wrenja's personality. What she said was not meant to be ill in any way.
In fact, if you knew her at all you would know for her to say something like she did should be taken as a compliment. :)
Hello IsisPrincess-
This is Sileny and I am a regular contributor to this blog. I would like you to know that Wrenja would never post something she did not find to be AMAZING. I guess I don't even understand where you would think she was insulting the dress. If you are thinking it is because she said it was "goofy" then I think you just don't know her personality. When she says something like that, I assume it means like fanciful, or out of the ordinary, It makes ME sad that you feel like she was insulting the dress when in fact she was trying to help promote the store and bring more awareness to your sister's designs.
A note to all readers: Here at L/H we don't post stuff we don't like. We never get paid to post anything, we never ask for free copies in order to post anything; everything we post here is out if love for the item. We take our own personal time out of real life to make these posts in the hopes of sharing information with others on pieces, designers, and stores we love. If you ever think something we have said is an insult, you are misreading.
If Wren didn't like it, she wouldn't have given it the time of day much less the space on her blog. Sorrow couldn't have said it better. Her personality was misunderstood.
I can personally say Wren loved the dress because we were toting around the grid in them!
I have one of her dresses that Ice Mata made me buy. MADE ME!! Which I'm glad she did. It's the best 900Linden I've ever spent and I spent more at a famous gown maker's shop and am not too happy with the dress at all -- and it cost far more. Anyway, I am not a frou frou person, but the gowns at Crystal Queendom are well done and amazingly detailed and freaking fun as hell to wear. I've been less and less inclined to spend a high price for SL clothing because some of it is frankly crap and the more reasonably priced stuff is better made, but Crystal's work is worth every linden just to feel like a little kid playing at being a princess once in a while. And to be honest, in the details and how well the dress fits, I'd have to say it's pretty close to a work of art. Art's like that, you might not like the style, but it doesn't mean that it's not art.
I really dunno what to say. I find it odd to have to apologize for loving a dress. I was always under the impression that part of the whole idea of the Crystal Queendom was the ridiculous and the sublime. I can't imagine one could make dresses in the style these are made and not giggle to themselves. You aren't going to walk outside and see a dress like that, it's out of the ordinary, and it's a good thing. You probably aren't even reading this, so it doesn't matter, but I wasn't insulting anyone here. Everyone above me is right, I wouldn't post something I didn't love.
Nuff said. The bottom line is the post was NOT negative. Wren loves the dress, MANY people love the dress.
It was a compliment.
The world isn't over.
Wren, I don't know why but this image plus half a dozen more are not showing for me on your blog. The ones above this are. They weren't showing in my bloglines feed either so I thought they would be fine over here, but no such luck. The XR skins is also missing along with a few others. Don't have a clue why.
i soooooo love this dress, thanks for the tip
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