Dress - *Cupcakes - Spring Corset Dress - Easter - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Pink) - $200L
Belt - fri. - Lucid.Belt (Emerald) - $80L
Bag - fri. - Dream.Catcher Bag (Cobalt) - $180L
Skin - !Imabee: Light - Vivian - Vivian Loves Grass - FREE (Group Gift)
Eyes - Poetic Colors - spring meadow - FREE (Store Gift)
Dress - *Cupcakes - Lacy Halter Dress - Pink - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Charcoal) - $200L
Bag - fri. - Dream.Catcher Bag (Gray) - $180L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Embrace - Cameo - April - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Dress - *Cupcakes - Spring Corset Dress - Pink - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Belt - fri. - Lucid.Belt (Pearl) - $80L
Bag - fri. - Dream.Catcher Bag (Pink) - $180L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Genius II - Honey (Cleavage) - FREE (Hunt Gift)
If not, you're seriously missing out on a TON of great stuff! There are 30 little eggs from Cupcakes, plus at least another 15 more from the other shops on the sim, hidden all around the region. All of the Cupcakes eggs are FREE. There are 3 Fatpacks-worth of skins, lingerie, dresses and loads more goodies just waiting to be found. It's not the easiest hunt, but I've heard that you can buy a cheat sheet for it and spare yourself the hunter's headache. It is absolutely worth doing, and should not be missed!

Dress - *Cupcakes - Heart Tube Top Dress - Yellow - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Belt - fri. - Lucid.Belt (Cobalt) - $80L
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Cobalt) - $200L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Genius II - Tiramisu (Cleavage) - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Dress - *Cupcakes - Be Mine - Blue - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Plum) - $200L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Allure - Lace - Bunny - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Dress - *Cupcakes - Halter Rose Dress - Teal - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Black) - $200L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Genius II - Royale - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Fri.day has some great new releases this week! The girls have put out a fantastic collection of accessories. There are 2 new shoes, a belt and a handbag, all in rich sumptuous colors and textures. They're a wonderful way to add a little twist to a traditional outfit and update some older looks. I especially like the skinny belt, and the new heel-strap Dream.Booties might be my new favorite pump.

Dress - *Cupcakes - Ruffles Cutesy Dress - Easter - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Shoes - fri. - Journey.Boots (Chocolate) - $200L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Embrace - Sunkissed - April - FREE (Hunt Gift)
Dress - Mimikri - Julie olive - FREE (Group Gift)
Socks - Pig - Duotone Socks Mit Suspenders - Andes Mint - $1L (Starlust Hunt)
Shoes - fri. - Dream.Booties (Army) - $200L
Skin - L.Fauna {Lapine . Pale 2} [Faberge] - FREE (Group Gift)
Dress - *Cupcakes - Turtleneck Dress - Gift 13 - FREE (Lucky Chair)
Bag - fri. - Dream.Catcher Bag (Canary) - $180L
Skin - *Cupcakes - Lovespell - KUMERA - Gift 13 - FREE (Lucky Chair)
While Hunting around at Cupcakes, I scored the ensemble you see pictured on the right (above), in one of the Lucky Chairs. It's a full gift bag full of stuff - a Fatpack of skins, the dress, plus a shape and eyes (not pictured). The grid has been blessed with some very generous Group Gifts this holiday weekend. Mimikri sent out a special color of her newest outfit. L.Fauna sent her Subscriber group a Fatpack of her latest skin line. Imabee also has a bunch of Group Gift skins set out in the mainstore. Wear your group tag to claim them. Poetic Colors has a new set of eyes out at the mainstore - they are too gorgeous to miss.
Not to be left out of the Holiday Hunting fun, Starlust has one of the most fun, and certainly the easiest, hunt of the season. The sims of Starlust are covered in GIANT eggs, all of them around $10L or less (most just $1). The variety of prizes is pretty great - lots of clothes, accessories, toys and furniture. I found the fabulous socks from Pig down on the Gaylord sim. If you would like to scope out some more of the prizes from this hunt, check out the photoshoot I got to do with Apatia over on the Starlust Blog.
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