Dress - Zaara : Larin Skirt & Mishti tank set - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - (pda) is dead on its feet. THREE (Pose Fair)
Dress - MALT MUBH Dress - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - (pda) is dead on its feet. NINE (Pose Fair)
Dress - ::HH:: Hucci Mixed Up Bunneh Gift - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - estetica: I don't think so (Pose Fair)
There are more than 45 little eggs hidden all around 6 different sims, and some of the best shops in SL are getting in on the gift giving fun! :D When you find an egg, you'll receive a folder in your inventory with a key egg that you wear and a LM to the participating shop. TP to the store, wear the egg and click on a corresponding Easter basket to receive the gifts. It took my slowass an embarrassingly long time to figure that out XD These eggs are pretty well hidden. I could only find about half of them, but omg the gifts are awesome! :O Definitely add this hunt to your to-do list. Start HERE and click on one of the hunt boards to get an info card with LMs to all of the sims.

Dress - (Elate!) Joy Easter Pink - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - City of Dis - Devious Dolly 1 (Pose Fair)
Dress - Prelude - Breeze Blue - FREE (MUBH)
Leggings - !O: Easter Bunny Leggings [LILACMEADOWS] - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - (pda) is dead on its feet. ONE (Pose Fair)
Dress - (Elate!) Joy Easter Yellow - FREE (MUBH)
Pose - estetica: Rawhh! Face Fit (Pose Fair)
Skin - []::Tuli::[] Eva :: gem (tone 4/br) - FREE (Group Gift)
Hair - fri. - Amelia.2 - Sensitive Black
Shoes - .:Periquita Stilettos
The Pose Fair starts in T-minus 5 seconds and the much-deserved hype for this event ensures some major lagitude for opening weekend. But the event heralds not just the temporary return of everyone's beloved Penny Dreadful Arcade, but the debut of 2 new shops that just happen to be run by some very fabulous ladies! ;D Estetica is brought to you by the infamous Dork Street army and City of Dis is by none other than our very own Wrenja! :D Omg, I can already hear you screaming to get to the fair. Run, minions!
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