+DV8+ 'Forsaken' set -Twisted hunt gift
U&R Dogs 'Auto de fe Lovelet' facial jewelry - Twisted hunt gift
Absentia 'Doll Skin' (Destroyed - Twisted hunt gift
+DV8+ is once again hosting this fantastic romp and providing up some hugely generous gifts. Two outfits, with shoes AND a gift card that you can redeem for yet ANOTHER outfit. I'm featuring the two gift outfits in this post, Union Jill in Orange and Forsaken in black. I think I have a crush on Forsaken, it's totally sexy, and who knew I'd ever find love for a bandeau top.

Magically Alluring 'Slit Throat' choker - Twisted hunt gift
Absentia 'Doll Skin' (Destroyed) - Twisted hunt gift
As always there is much in the realm of funky and unique jewelry to be claimed along the way, two notable stops being U&R Dogs with their amazingly beautiful Auto De Fe Lovelet facial jewelry and a very macabre necklace and bracelet set from Magically Alluring. Yes, it's supposed to look like your throat is slit, and beautiful blood colored crystals trail down, down, down your neck. I love it.

Absentia 'Doll Skin' (Destroyed) - Twisted hunt gift
Absentia has a gorgeous skin gift available. There are three in this gift, as well as a prim stitched mouth covering, to really take it to the next level should you so choose. These skins are mods, but area beautifully done, and who doesn't need a good worn out dolly skin?

+DV8+ 'Union Jill' set and boots - Twisted hunt gift
U&R Dogs 'Auto de fe Lovelet' facial jewelry - Twisted hunt gift
Absentia 'Doll Skin' (Destroyed) - Twisted hunt gift
And don't forget the furniture, that gorgeous lounger you see is a gift from +Soul+ Posessions, with a pile of poses, and texture change pillows, as well as a matching rug and that cute bamboo you see sitting next to it. There are plenty of reasons to do Twisted, these are just a few! The hunt lasts through September 30th, and many of the stores have other exciting events going on during the Hunt. Make sure to check out the store's Twisted Hunt Easel that will give you all of the information you need to aquire all of the goodies you can possibly get your hands on. If you missed all of the others, here is the starting point at +DV8+
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