{SMS} 'Asy' Tunic (Navy) - FREE (Group Gift)
Imabee - 'Bam bam pizza and ham' - FREE (Zombie Popcorn Hunt Prize)
Royal Blue 'Tough Love' boots (Navy/Gold) - 360L
Imabee - 'Bam bam pizza and ham' - FREE (Zombie Popcorn Hunt Prize)
Royal Blue 'Tough Love' boots (Navy/Gold) - 360L
And, really, if you haven't already- GET TO SHOE FAIR. Royal blue is throwing down with some seriously intimidating and awesome wedges. No one will question your stomps in these beauties. They come in five colors, Black, Navy, Tan, white, and Pink. Each pair gives 25% of sales to Soles4Souls. Gold or pewter facings on the shoes are available in all colors, so you're sure to get the pair you're longing for. These shoes are exclusive to Shoe Fair, so don't dawdle. I might have to go back and pink up the Pink/Pewter combo.

If you're essentially broke after Shoe Fair, well don't you worry your pretty little head. There is still plenty of shopping to do. Don't forget to stop by INDI and pick up this week's piece of the mystery Freebie Puzzle for 1L. Looks like it's going to turn out to be a pretty fabulous set of black and white dresses when everything is done. You'll find the freebie puzzle upstairs and to the right, of the main room. Wait though, cause we're still not finished. Make sure to join the Avenue Magazine Readers group and go to the Lelukta shop on their sim. Why? That gorgeous red skirt is ABSOLUTELY FREE. It's in the box sitting on the table as you walk into the store. I 'feckin die.

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