Phoenix Rising 'Mislead' lingerie (white) - 100L
Kalnins 'Plastique' heel - 385L (group price, in store) or 770L at Shoe Fair
Now there are a couple of options in terms of how much you might want to pay. They are full price at Shoe Fair, but if you are in Kalnins group you can head on over to their store in Copley Square, and get the shoes for half price. Regardless of how much you pay, they are worth every penny. Between quality and their super easy and effective HUD, you can match skin tones, or like we have in this post, pantyhose colors without driving yourself crazy.

Another big thing going on right now is Phoenix Rising's sudden closing sale. Every thing in the store is now 100L, regardless of how much it might have cost previously. One of their most recent releases is a line of *amazing* lingerie. The colors, the textures, the details, everything about these sets is gorgeous and totally worth the price. Stock up, because this is your last chance to get anything from Phoenix Rising, as when the store closes (when Tier is up, but no one has given specific dates) this fantastic designer's collections will be gone forever. Heartbreaking.

On Narita:
Phoenix Rising- 'Exhale' (Teal) - 100L
Kalnins 'Plastique' heel - 385L (group price, in store) or 770L at Shoe Fair
[]::Tuli::[] Audrey (tone 4/br) :: VIP group exclusive
Phoenix Rising- 'Exhale' (Teal) - 100L
Kalnins 'Plastique' heel - 385L (group price, in store) or 770L at Shoe Fair
[]::Tuli::[] Audrey (tone 4/br) :: VIP group exclusive
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