Holy Crap! I can't believe all the time I spent tabulating your responses, but the votes are in, and we have winners! This has been a long year, and I recently spent time going through every post made on the blog this year (that's over 1000, my dears) and relived a lot. Making the announcement about my mothers sickness, watching stores come and go, looking at how our ranks have changed. It's been a rough one, and I'm kind of relieved it's over. But enough of that, let's get to the popularity contest, shall we?
According you *you* Love/Hate readers, these are your top choices for 2009.
Top Five Events of the year.
1. Twisted Events!
2. Skipping Stones Hunt (Tie)
2. 50L Fridays (tie)
3. The L/H Birthday Hunt on Sound of Silence (ya brown nosers<3)
4. The L/H grand Re-Opening (tie)
4. Relay For Life(tie)
4. Slice of Summer hunt (tie)
5. Designers United events (tie)
5. CSR (Tie)
The Best Freebies/gifts/etc of the year
1. Tuli skin gifts
2. +++Blue Blood+++'s menagerie of gifts
3. Violent Seduction's Gruff Dress
4. Curio's Christmas skin gift
5. Cupcake skin gifts
and finally, the moment we've all been waiting for...
The Top Ten Stores of the Year
1. Sn@tch
2. Fri.day
3. +++Blue Blood+++
4. Nomine
5. Violent Seduction
6. Katat0nik
7. Wretched Dollies
8. +DV8+
9. Grimm Bros.
10. RC Cluster
I dub thee 'Year of the Lolita' 2009, now get thee gone! Whose to say what this next year will bring. Wait what? Oh, you want to know who won the prizes? Right... okay fine.
Prize Winners
1. A fatpack of dresses from +++Blue Blood+++ - Blondday Freck
2. A 1000L gift card to Tacky Star - Kris Idlemind
3. A 500L gift card to Ticky Tacky - Karmelle Applewhyte
4. A 500L gift card to (((RIPE))) - titania tigerpaw
Store owners will be in touch with you so you may claim your prizes very soon, congratulations to the winners! I'll be posting my favorites and my blogger's favorites later tomorrow, and you don't agree with the winners? Well, I suppose you shold have sent your ballot in as opposed to having been a total and utter LAZY. Happy with yourself yeah? Don't make the same mistake next year ;D
18 hours ago
Wow! Someone just told me about this! My thanks goes out to everyone who voted for me! Muahs!
Congrats Star! ^^
omg, thank you. I didn't even know there was a contest! <3
ohh wow I am so stunned an honoured. Thank you to all the readers and writers at Love/Hate for your support and love. It is so appreciated. This makes my whole month. To know you are liked by the customers that really buy your creations is so amazing and makes me so proud. Thank you! Do I get a plaque for my office wall? LOL
Ivey (Sn@tch)
Hey Ivey from Sn@tch's partner here. -Waves- She is jumping out of her chair excited over this, we both are. However just as importantly, you have some great names on your lists that NEVER get the amount of attention they deserve. Twisted Events!, Nomine, Blue Blood, +DV8+ and others on your lists never get the spotlight. Well done!!!
oooh how exciting! thank you so much for everyone who voted for 50L Fridays, i'm so glad you like it <3
xoxo, barb.
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