Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Sorry about not throwing up more Twisted teasers yesterday, I managed to sprain my ankle yesterday morning and if I wasn't laying in bed with my foot propped up, I was too busy sulking in SL to take pictures ;x. By now I'm sure you know Twisted *has* started, and you best get a move on, 156 stops, getting it done before you can't is a good idea.

+DV8+ Cyberjammer roller derby set - Twisted Hunt Gift

Don't forget to check the easel in each shop for even more goodies and sales and other exclusive fun. It's purple and black, and well, it looks like an easel. Some give hints, but lots of other stores are having their own little mini hunts, exclusive weekly sales, midnight manias, and a whole lot more!
Twisted and Spoiled Twisted set - Twisted Hunt Gift

Don't forget about the Twisted Hunt group, some of those boxes are hidden in some seriously evil places, as well as keep up to date with all of the goings on with the hunt, which can be important. There is so much stuff in this hunt, and its so diverse that you're sure to find something you can't live without.

Self Expressions 'Nightmares' set - Twisted Hunt Gift
Sable Rose Jewelry ' Prisoner's wife cameo necklace' - Twisted Hunt Gift
A-BOMB Juliet spiderweb boots - Twisted Hunt Gift

blah blah blah, I dunno what else to say, and my ankle hurts, so go do the hunt! *stuffs you full of rice krispie treats*

Here's a tank
to the first stop.

Discord Designs 'Ruin' hair (black/fuchsia) - Twisted Hunt Gift
Self Expressions 'Nightmares' top - Twisted Hunt Gift
RFyre black leather pants - Twisted Hunt Gift
Unique Needs handcuffs, whip, belt and boots - Twisted Hunt Gift

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