Saturday, October 10, 2009

So Juicy!

It's a Freebie celebration!

-:Attituede:- Juicy B-Day Gift & Pose

The Juicy Sim is celebrating it's Birthday with heaps and heaps of gifts! Everything is either $1 or totally FREE and there's so much great stuff to get!

*GF* Mini Dress pants -Juicy Purple

You can find lots of fun clothes and accessories from some of your favorites.

Dress - *katat0nik* (pink/pink) S&S Dress
Futon, Shelves & Blocks - fifty
Screen, Table, Stool, Lamp, Frame & Hatboxes - :[MudHoney]: Designs - Shabby Girl
Skybox - Queen & Co. Juicy B-day Skybox - Gogo pink

Even piles of furniture & skyboxes! Everything you could need, all for next to nothing! Don't miss it! :D

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