Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dream come truuuuuuue

That's right, Nomine has a lucky chair! There are three different shades of skin and some clothes available in the chair, here is my twin and I rocking the pale skin.Nomine Merry Jingly White (Sprinkles) - Lucky Chair

On top of the lucky chair, there is also a new hunt. THIS HUNT IS NOT FREE. There are ornaments all over the lower part of the sim each full of three skins and 1k each. It's a lot, yeah, but really its a good deal for three Nomine skins. Even I probably won't be able to get all of the skins I want in this hunt, but what can you do?

The candy cane in my mouth is a special little gift in the note card included in the Nomine hunt package detailing the hunt. PLEASE READ IT. Sorry guys, but I get so tired of OH MY GOD DID YOU KNOW THE HUNT WASN'T FREE??? Yeah, actually I did. Why? Cause I read the note card. Anyway, it's at the bottom of the NC, like a little prize for having read everything. Just click it and copy to inventory. Enjoy!

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