**::Ray Skin::** is everyone's favorite purveyor of adorable Japanese style knit clothing, skins and other cute stuff. It just turns out the store happens to be incredibly generous when it comes to freebies and dollarbies. Last night one of my best friends TPed me in to help her decide on what new outfit to buy, and I discovered *LOTS* of new freebies, and now camping chairs. Lots of camping chairs.

This adorable piece is the summer crochet set in +pinky+ and is a fantastic dollarbie, but if you really want the whole set? Well, if you're cool with 60 minutes of camping, you can get the whole set for free! There are two different versions of the Summer Crochet set available to camp for, and really, why wouldn't you, it's such a great deal!

These are the adorable
RaySkin Deco Glasses, and another dollarbie you can find in the store, and it comes in three versions so you can easily attach to different places without having to edit the frames all over the place, totally convenient.

This is another dollarbie available in the store, it comes with two different neko tattoo sets to wear with the shirt to really throw it over the cliff that is cute.

This knit jacket is still, another dollarbie, available, and it comes in two colors. This post is already fat as hell on the picture front, so I'm only putting up one, but the set also comes with the cute rolled up jeans, and another variation on the little ribbon belt!

This is where things get exciting. There are freebie ponchos out right now, three different styles. A zoo set with bright pastels and little animals all over it, the purple poncho set you see below, and a bright lemony yellow. They are all on a little cart outside the store in the back, right next to the ferris wheel. On top of *that* every poncho you see on that cart for sale, is available for free after a 20 minute camp, like the poncho in the picture above. All of the ponchos come with a hat, the bunny ear hoodie, and a hood down option, and are so obnoxiously cute I can hardly stand it.

But really, it isn't over yet. On top of that to the left outside of the front of the store, there is another cart stuffed with freebie bikinis and swim suits. Each one is 1L each, and they are all horribly cute. I want to show you pictures of all of them, but I'm not *that* much of a masochist.

This is one of the bikinis, you can also get it in a really nice cherry set, you can't beat the price, and who cares if it's getting cold! You can't get frostbite on the grid!

Finally there are a couple of little swimming skirt sets, in blue and purple, in this adorable gingham check. I love them all so much, anyway, back to camping before you all descend on this little bit of freebie heaven. So get down to
**::Ray Skin::** and Have Fun!
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