So last night before bed, I stopped over at SinDecade just to see what was up. I didn't expect a whole lot, but I was greeted with a completely made over store. Not only that, BUT there is a hunt on too! Ugh, I know what you're saying NOT MORE HUNTS! PLEASE! ;_; but this one is TOTALLY worth it and not hard at all. Besides, don't act like YOU don't want some sexy SinDecade skins (Zu!). Don't you dare say no, you liar.

On top of there being SinDecade skins and eyes, there are also products from IBizzare, RARE, Thrashed, KProd and others. You're looking for little Pac Man characters, like the ghosts from Pac Man, Pac Man and power ups. Click it, and it'll either disply a big red X, which means you've been tricked, or a green exclamation point, in which case you buy the item and get your goodies.

But that's not all, there is also a surveillance drone on the fritz. It seems that GIR got to him and is spouting all kinds of gibberish. But some of that gibberish is pretty important. When he screams CHICKEN! He's dropped a bomb, and in that bomb is a present for you, this is where most of the SinDecade skins are. There are 14 bombs to get on top of the little prizes hiding all over the store. So get to it, you know you can't live without a SinDecade skin or 4 for much longer.

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