This is Merina, She is the proprietor of ###Ms... I was kidnapped by her when I stumbled upon her shop, and it proved to be a lot of fun. I struggled with my Japanese and she graciously told me I spoke well (even though I don't. At all. xD) But before we went romping to Lo*Momo which just happens to be next door, she showed me her wears. She mostly makes jewelry, and it's gorgeous jewelry, case in point, the Earrings below.

These are one of a few freebies you can get, and they are adorable. They are right above the lucky boards in the store, and next to them is an even newer freebie that wasn't there when I first met Merina.

I mentioned lucky boards, there are four of them, two for each style of dress, shown in the pictures above and below. The dresses are darling by themselves, but on top of that they each come with an accompanying necklace. A red rose necklace with the red dress and a white rose necklace with the silver dress. The boards are on three minute timers, and have wildcards, so you shouldn't have to wait too long.

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