Friday, January 30, 2009

Pose Type Goodness!

The new store On The Cover (which Pru previously blogged) has MORE free and dollarbie goodness than you can shake a stick at. Any kind of stick! (Ah, I crack myself up)

Here is the prize you receive for winning the lucky fortune machine, a fab set of pin-up poses:

Here is a Halle Berry dollarbie:

An Usher Dollarbie:

And a Ginger Spice dollarbie:

There is also a lucky chair (yay!) but there were other S's waiting so I figured I'd go back and stalk it later. AND there is a midnight mania with a..get this...JESSICA RABBIT pose in it!!! Those who have known me the longest in SL know of my obsession with all things Jessica Rabbit. I got down there and clicked that thing so fast my pretty little SL wig spun. I promise to show you a picture tomorrow when I receive the prize!!

Past dollarbies still available!


Anonymous said...

And and and Mashi renovated the store and added a whole new expansion. Doubling not only her size, but product.

Sileny said...

YES! I forgot to add that the store is big and bodacious now!