Monday, April 6, 2009

Immerse Yourself in eLDee

OMG - I won the new Lucky Board prize from eLDee! :D

Dress: ::eLDee:: Culpa Blue - FREE (Lucky Board)

The board changes every 10 minutes & the outfit is well worth porting in some friends to flip it. You get the tattered skirt, double belt & a perfectly fitted charcoal & blue striped tank. All pieces you can use with other outfits. Gotta love versatility.

I've paired this yummy with these amazingly perfect stompy boots from Studio M'z Bunny Hop Hunt gift. And in the giftie you get not just the black pair seen here, but a set in the most perfect deep red. Love!

Shoes: * M'z Strap Long boots * - FREE (Bunny Hop Gift)

I also need to take a moment to talk about my hair. XD It's from Aden, which as you should know by now is shutting it's doors indefinitely & having a major sale before it does. All hair is only $50L, and Aden hair is the yum. I mean - is this not the most perfect ponytail on the grid? Seriously.

Hair: [Aden] Sarah (Black) - $50L

You're probably wondering where in the virtual world these pics were taken. That'd be Immersiva. It is by far one of the most gorgeous, mysterious & deceptively intricate builds in SL, by one of the most talented artists Bryn Oh.

The entire sim is a massive ever-evolving work of art, complete with custom Windlight settings. Just when you think you've seen it all, you realized that you haven't even begun to scratch the surface. Literally. Cam underground at certain spots & you'll discover a whole new world. It's all part of a larger story and experience, and the pieces of the puzzle can be touching, witty and enlightening all at once - trademark Bryn Oh. Welcome to her world. Once you get a taste of what's really here you'll find it's hard to leave.

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