Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last night Schadenfreude sent word that there were new ties available for purchase, and amusingly enough a friend of mine was out shopping for ties. The ties are beautiful, made of prims, and not crappy alphas, with a lot of love and care in the form and design. They are totally affordable to, 80L for a pack of two, and I think its 350L for the fat pack.

Of course, if you're in the Schadenfreude group, you can get one for free, as shown above. This is not a group you want to jump in and out of, if and when you join, stay put! Schadenfreude is one of those stores you want to keep up on, if only for their gorgeous corsets, like the one I'm wearing which was exclusive to the Silent Sparrow party awhile back. The ties come with and without an oxford collar, and Allegory just released a shit ton of new oxfords in every color you can imagine, they look beautiful too.

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