Naughty Catholic school girls really should leave big old iron doors alone. But girls from STFU can never seem to leave well enough alone. STFU girls only get their uniforms from one place, and that's Dare designs, who just so happen to have two different school girl uniforms in the lucky chair now! It comes with a pile of different shirt options to layer with the jacket or without the jacket. Two different shirts, a bra and the jacket equal endless customization opprotunities. There are two different versions of pink to be claimed, as well as another school uniform in the Midnight Mania board, which has a quota of 200, so get to clicking that one ladies. As for our hard headed school girl? Looks like she'll be dealing with tenatacles in the near future *shudder*
2 days ago
That skin looks so good on you!! Where is it from?
it's cupcakes! It was the valentine's gift skin
oooh looks different on you! Very nice.
no tentacles! T_T
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