Monday, March 2, 2009

Mmm..Good Stuffs!

A few good finds this morning from my magical mystery alt! Haha!

First up, MayaMaya Creations has a new group gift out. The gift is this beautiful set of eyelashes. Wearing them makes me feel like some sort of exotic bird. And I wore them without hair so you could see all the detail. So pretty!

the hair i am wearing in this next picture is a past gift from MayaMaya and it was still there when I went this morning, so if you don't have it yet grab it. The outfit is the latest group gift from Pop Feel. Countryfied!

I paired the undershirt from the Pop Feel gift with the new dollarbie from Slow Kitchen. The skirt is 1L in celebration of St. Patrick's day coming up. Green is my fave color so I am totally like holding my breath in excited anticipation of all the upcoming green! I may not be Irish, but I loooove St. Patty's day if it means green gifts for me!

And finally, TD Boots released this dollarbie pair of ballet boots a while back, but apprently there was some sort of glitch in them, so they sent them out in the subscribo today. If you don't have them, go get them! The little heart charm is..well..charming! the vase of flowers in the back ground in a musical vase and is a lovely subscribo gift from Morantique.

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