Yep! Dare Designs has a hunt that started at midnight this morning, with lots of goodies to be claimed, mainly a lovely jewelry set, split up and hidden all over the store, as well as a special edition of his Vicious boots.The jewelry set comes with everything a jewelry set should come with, armbands, necklaces, rings, bracelets and so on. As well as the jewels being biiig and chunky, not pieces that are easily missed, you'll definitely be noticed. Oh, I should mention that there issss a gift for the guys hiding on the sim as well, which is definitely nice, you boys never get enough love!
I'm going to warn you right now, the rules for the hunt are pretty sringent, don't shout locations, don't TP people directly, and there is a possibility that if an cheat NC with your name shows up in Dare's hands, you could be banned. Just hunt, that's why its called a hunt! :D
This hunt as well is on until the 19th (popular day huh?) So come the 18th if you dawdle, you'll be kicking yourself, cause really, lets think for a minute about how many hunts are ending on the 19th. MiaSofia... Bunny Hop... Albero... iTutu... LOTS! So get them done now so you can breath then ;D
1 day ago
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