And today you can get some pretty cool things for free there...COLOR CHANGE HUDS! OK, so if you don't know what they are you are probably like "big deal"...but it is a big deal! See, any hair you have from Analog Dog works with the huds. So this means every hair style you have has now turned into having the potential to be EVERY color AD has. HAPPY FACE! All you do is buy a hair pack, make copies, and wear the copies and the hud. Then you click on the color you want from the hud and BAM tinted hair.
This is the Joanna style, in the sale section for only 50L.

Also there are some style for only 1L. This one...

And this one! I bought them all in blonde and used the various color change hud options to get these colors.

And go down to Designina and join the subscribo. They gave out these poses today. They are cute! Designina does good poses and some especially fun ones like circus and doll poses. I blogged a doll key that was there for free awhile back..might want to go and see if it is still there!

OK, have good times.
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