Ding blogged this earlier this morning

I died. I went to grab it, and I explored a bit. UGH THERE IS A
HUNT!!! So yeah, hunt on the
Tiny sim, there are nine prizes, at least three of which are tiny AVs; a box dog, a strange kitty and of course everyone's beloved Coyura Creations snowman
but to make it even better, there is a WHOLE Acorn house! It is just ridiculously adorable, and I could hardly stand even thinking about not having it. Outside of the Acorn house, Sala donated a decorated tree, Tamahikari has two different sets of mushroom furniture, the set below and the same set only wooden. The plate trick on puppy's head is a prize, and finally....

YOUR VERY OWN TINY CAFE! xD This is like the most fantastically ridiculous hunt ever! Its not terribly hard, head upstairs in the main
Tiny Event Space, and you'll find a bunch of sign boards with the prizes, next to them is a "hint" picture. You can buy the pictures for 0L and just look for the place the picture shows, some are harder than others, but Pru and I were done within half an hour.

While you're hunting make sure to look in all the shops, there are a lot of great freebies, and... some great impulse buys -.-; But, there is a lot to see, a lot to be had, and this bunny below is a freebie just hanging out in a shop, soooo cute *squeegasm*
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