First off, the Kaosome 50L sale ends today. Hustle! There are some amazingly beautiful outfits there and 50L is worth it for sure. The beautifully printed dress comes with the lamb fur jacket and socks! The blue coat is gorgeous. The blue dress is free!

I matched the 50L jacket from Kaosome with these so adorable leg an arm warmers from (O.o)AweosmeSauce(o.O). They are only 10L each and incredibly detailed. If you are not on the subscribo for AwesomeSauce..get on it. She has sales and freebies very, very often and they are all great quality. The black flats are 12L for 12 pairs at Angelico B.

The lucky chairs (yes, plural, there are 5) from AwesomeSauce came up my letter three times while I was there (ok, two of the times were ?'s) and I won this skull coffin armband, the grafitti divider, and this tattoo. I was very happy! The denim jacket is a free subscribo gift from Kaosome, check the history to receive!

And finally, the navy blue pants I am wearing with the blue jacket are free from Tokeo Plastik, as is this skin. The skin is free for group members only. (Actually, it is 1L I think) And the earrings are yet another fab gift from AwesomeSauce, this time free under the tree (along with a whole bunch of other gifts!)

OK..long post lmao. But hopefully worth it!
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