Dress - PIDIDDLE - Denim Mini - Fleur - $50L
Hair - .:[ Tiny Bird ]:.Hey Jude III - Black Bean - FREE
Jewelry - DECO- PoopHunt Exclusive Smoky Jewelry Set - FREE
Pose - [LAP] - The BoRee - FREE
Ok, first up - $50L Fridays starts in about 20 minutes, but you can head over to Pididdle to grab this adorable mini-dress right now. The other awesome event starting a little early - the 2nd Annual Poop Hunt! The Festivale sim, home to Long Awkward Pose, Tiny Bird & a ton of other fabulous shops that you know & love are hosting a hunt from August 28th -September 4th. You are looking for little piles of poo & rolls of toilet paper wrapped up in bows, each one filled with super generous gifts! This may be a hunt for crap, but the shit is awesome! And all of it - FREE!

Dress - Pig - Retroesque Fudge - FREE
Socks - Pig - Knee Sock Mit Suspenders - Fudge Sock - FREE
Tattoo - *smudge-theBuzz - FREE
Hair - .:[ Tiny Bird ]:. The Art Teacher II - Brownie - FREE
Pose - [LAP] - The Zoe - FREE
Are you not totally drooling over all that gorgeous furniture? You too can have it all - and more - for F-R-E-E! I know. I fell over when I heard the news, too. But M.fox is closing it's doors for good & as a parting gift to Second Life, designer Miabella Foxley has boxed up her entire store and set it in her group for everyone to have. These are some of the loveliest, most wonderfully crafted furnishings you can find in all of SL. All you have to do is join her in-world group M.Fox Boxed and look for it in notices. This offer will only be available until September 9th. After that, it all disappears, so don't delay! A gift this generous isn't likely to come around again.
The group isn't listed yet in group searches, so to join, search for Miabella Foxley's profile & select the first group in her profile. Enrollment is open & it's free to join. Happy decorating! :)
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