Violent Seduction 'Aura' - 500L
Tacky Stars 'Scarred mask' Lolligagger skin - Forthcoming
Tacky Stars 'Scarred mask' Lolligagger skin - Forthcoming
Another thing that gets me excited is even more new gear from Violent Seduction, and better yet? New skins from Tacky Star. The dress is called 'Aura' named after the owner of Tacky Star, since she requested that Iki made it, and it's an amazing piece of work. From the Tattered details in the textures, to the top hat, to what is quite possibly the most amazing parasol I've ever encountered. I think I spent a good fifteen minutes just staring at the parasol when I first wore it.

Aura will also be releasing a new line of skins(she told me, probably later tonight). 'Lolligagger' each distinct in its style, and crazy tattoos all over the body. Each skin pack comes with and without the body tats, so you have a lot of versatility with the skins, and they are gorgeous. You can check out the rest of the line on the Tacky Star blog, or just look out for me wearing them in random posts.
and to wrap up the post... OMFGGOINGTOSEEMSTRKRFTAGAIN
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